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作者: 惠州翻译公司 发布时间:2018-06-22 15:12:36  点击率:

Google Inc.'s Eze Vidra has seen many start-ups come and go over the past 12 years, first in Israel, then in New York, then San Francisco and now London. He's about to bring that knowledge to startups across Europe in his new role as the European head of Google for Entrepreneurs, which supports startup communities around the world. Mr. Vidra also runs Campus London--an East London building that houses a café, events and co-working spaces Seedcamp and TechHub. Mr. Vidra gave a rundown of his top pieces of advice for entrepreneurs.yqt惠州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

在过去12年里,谷歌(Google Inc.)的埃泽·维德拉(Eze Vidra)先后在以色列、纽约、旧金山和伦敦目睹过许多初创公司的兴衰成败。作为谷歌创业者助力计划Google for Entrepreneurs(该计划为世界各地的创业社群提供支持)新任欧洲业务主管,维德拉目前在伦敦任职,他将把自己的那些见闻和知识带给全欧洲的初创企业。维德拉还负责运营Campus London,一座位于伦敦城东的大楼。楼内设有一家咖啡馆,有Seedcamp和TechHub等联合办公空间,还会举办各种活动。以下是维德拉给创业家几大建议的具体内容。yqt惠州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


#1: Understand What Your Market Wants 1.了解市场需要什么yqt惠州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


Just because entrepreneurs think they have a great solution, it doesn't mean the market agrees. 'Most products fail not because they fail to develop a product, but because they fail to develop their market,' Mr. Vidra said. 'The first piece of advice would be: Build stuff people want. So if you think you have a great solution for a problem, talk to people who are encountering the problem, and find out that this is really the solution that they want.' 创业者自以为很棒的解决方案不一定能得到市场的认同。维德拉说:“多数产品不是败在产品开发,而是败在市场开发上。第一条建议是:做用户想要的东西。也就是说,如果你认为自己有个很棒的问题解决方案,不妨同遇到这个问题的人聊聊,看看这个解决方案是否真是他们想要的。”yqt惠州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


#2: Keep it Simple, But Think Bigyqt惠州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

 2. 化繁为简,但要大胆设想yqt惠州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


'Entrepreneurs get obsessed with features or how cool the technology is, but at the end of the day it's all about the user,' Mr. Vidra said. He pointed to Viber, the internet phone company, which is being acquired by Japanese retailer Rakuten for $900 million. Getty Images维德拉说:“创业者会痴迷于产品特性或者技术有多酷,但到头来一切都取决于用户。”他援引了互联网电话公司Viber的案例。Viber将被日本零售商乐天(Rakuten)以9亿美元收购。yqt惠州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


But expand your long-term vision, by either hiring people internationally or thinking globally, he says. Google Maps, for example, started as a simple--but expensive to launch--mapping service. 'Directions became driving directions, walking directions, cycling directions, and then directions became Street View,' he said. 'Today you can drop the little person on the map anywhere and see, actually, where you're going to turn right.' 但他表示,创业者应该通过全球招聘或者采用国际化思维来拓展长期视野。比方说,谷歌地图(Google Maps)一开始就是一项简单(但启动成本很高)的地图服务。他说:“路线拓展成为驾车路线、步行路线和骑车路线,后来路线又变成了街景。如今,你可以把小人图标放到地图上的任何位置,在实际街景中看应该从哪里右转。”yqt惠州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


The next step is self-driving cars. 下一步目标是自动驾驶汽车。yqt惠州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


#3: Hire Smart--And Fire Your Friends When Necessaryyqt惠州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

3. 用人要明智——必要时解雇你的朋友yqt惠州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


Friends building a company together should do so because they have complementary skills--not because they like each other. But what happens when the friendship seems to be stalling the development of the product? 朋友共同创业应该是基于能力的互补——而不是因为喜欢彼此。但如果友情似乎在阻碍产品的开发,应该怎么办呢?yqt惠州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


'It's important to have a tough conversation early on, rather than going through a painful divorce later,' Mr. Vedra said. 'When you're in the dating period, it's okay to decide that it's not going to work. But when you go further down the path, and you have investors, and you make some strategic decisions, it may be tougher to unravel.' 维德拉说:“重要的是,要把丑话说在前,而不是到日后经历痛苦的决裂。当你们还处在‘约会期’的时候,分手是没什么关系的。但等你们的关系更进了一步,有了投资者,做了一些战略决策,再分道扬镳也许就比较难了。”yqt惠州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


#4: Remember to Find a Work-Life Balance--Seriouslyyqt惠州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

4. 务必牢记,要认真对待工作和生活的平衡yqt惠州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


'I'm glad we're seeing a lot of information getting out there right now about sleep,' Mr. Vedra said. Ignoring your health can cause long-term problems or torpedo a breakthrough at a crucial moment. There will be times when entrepreneurs will need to slide a little more heavily away from that balance, but the trick is to recognize when to take a break. 埃泽•维德拉维德拉说:“现在我们能看到许多有关睡眠的信息,这让我很高兴。”忽视健康会造成长期性问题,或者让你在关键时刻功亏一篑。创业者有时候需要把天平稍稍倾斜一些,但关键在于要知道自己什么时候应该休息一下。yqt惠州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


Mr. Vedra said he uses the Headspace app to meditate 15 minutes a day before going to bed. 维德拉说,他每天晚上临睡前使用应用程序Headspace冥想15分钟。yqt惠州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


#5: Take Advantage of Your Mentorsyqt惠州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

5. 向导师取经yqt惠州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


Some entrepreneurs think they know it all, or they don't have the time or contacts to seek out help. But mentors, whether older or younger, can help identify blind spots or trouble ahead. 'Even a cup of coffee can go a very long way for your start-up and can make the difference between success and failure, if you have it at the right time with the right people,' Mr. Vedra said.yqt惠州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司




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